Monday, December 6, 2010

Church songs for 12th dec

This Kingdon

Be now my vision

Give thanks

Godmake my life a little light

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Church songs for 3rd Oct

Father I thank you

How great is your love (click the below link)

Loved with everlasting love

Beacause he lives

Because He lives

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sunday 1 st August worship

Light the fire again

The servant song

We have come into his house???

I worship you Almight God (There is none like you)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Digital story telling - it's not just aout technology!!

Digital story telling is a tool I can see to be very useful to implement within the classroom. Digital story telling fits really well with Kearsley and Schneiderman’s engagement theory – relate, create, donate, as it covers team effort, learning creative and purposeful projects and having an authentic purpose. The stories include universal elements such as conflict, transformation and closure. Students can identify the story, remember the story and be changed by the story. Students can also make projects that they are able to present for an authentic audience.

Digital story telling also provides learning for visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learning styles. It is also using technology in such a technological driven savvy world. Even though digital story telling is not about the technology, but story telling, digital sotry telling provides for a culture that is driven by technology!

I would use digital story telling especially in drama class when students are script writing. It would be an easy way for students to carry out a script. One half of the sheet is for students to write their script, the other side of the sheet will be for notes (especially when production time is upon them!) or when sketches of the scene.

This would be a good way for me (the teacher) to monitor student’s progress in work. Digital story telling is similar to another online drama cite called cyberdrama. Both these sites is about planning a script/story, taking images or creating film and using software to put it all together, then presenting it to an authentic audience.


Kearsley, G., & Shneiderman, B. (1999). A framework for technology-based teaching learning. Retrieved from:

Cyberdrama. Retrieved from