Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Voki's are great!

"Hello everyone, I am the very first avatar that my creator, Jessica has created. She thinks I'm pretty neat and a good learning tool for students. I can provide speach for students with poor reading skills or hearing imparments or for those who have those days where they just dont feel like reading. I am a great tool to engage students as I provide for Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic learning styles. Since students today are so involved with technology, they sure will love to use and listen to me. I'm also here to provide some online humour; Jessica laughed many times whilst creating me. Hopefully by adding humour, students are more likely to retain the informaiton. I also provide a fresh touch to the classroom, students and teachers can have a break from listening to the same voice."

EDED20456, Class handout, Learning Styles, 22/3/2010


  1. Hi Jess, awesome start, Vokis' will keep young kids amused and will amuse older kids by creating them. I think big people just like creating cyberspace clones of themselves. My voki is nearly ready to do the voki dance. Keep an eye out!!, Justin

  2. Hi Justin,
    Yes I agree they are a lot of fun for children and adults! I only wish I could have gotten my Voki to say more words without paying for it! ; )
    Thanks for your comment.
