Friday, April 23, 2010

Flikr Flikr!

To me personally, using Flikr was similar to several of other photo creating programs I have come into contact with. However, I found Flikr to be slightly more difficult than the other programs used. Flikr seems to require you to spend quite some time on getting familiar with its functions. I found Flikr was harder to understand, confusing to follow and operate to get to the end result. Time was needed and since I don’t have much of it, the experience of using it wasn't as enjoyable as what it could have been. What I did find however, is that Flikr provides many options for the user. I also found it could act as a social network and as an individual work piece; or work in progress! It would really suit someone who is into art, photography and scrapbooking.

I found Flikr to fit within the pedagogical framework as it:

  • allows students to choose how they create their own work; organise and document resources;
  • is a social network which students to relate to because it is very similar to other social networks;
  • allows students to facilitate discussions;
  • can be used as a form of art; for instance this program could be part of an Art; class unit? Art can also be used and formed through technology;
  • is fun and interesting;
  • fits in within the principles of Problem Based Learning. Students are in a situation where they are actively solving problems themselves confronting them with a real-world situation (PROBLARC, 2000). It allows hands on learning which in turn allows students to feel they have accomplished something on their own and;
  • can be authentic and valuable to students as it has the potential to impact the way they see the world (through other peoples work)

This is before the editing process.
Quin and Jess - Photo taken on a very cloudy day onto of a high mountain in Townsville.

jess and quin

This photo is after editing - notice how the photo has a better picture quality; more colour!?

This Photo is before the editing process. It was taken a few days before Christmas. I know you can tell where it is! I had to resize this picture as it was too big!
Jess Sydney

This is the same photo as above but with some cool edititing done - almost looks like a drawing or painting!? I cropped this photo to take away most of the sky, so the photo's focus is the objects (me and the Operea house!

Jess Sydney


PROBLARC (2000). Retrieved from

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